What Annoyed You Today?

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Started building my Airfix 1/48 Bf-109F and guess what ? There is no freaking swastikas on the decal sheet !

WTF ? It's gonna be a "swastika-less" Bf-109 in WWII German markings ???

Post in the "I'll Trade U For That" thread in modelling, somebody's bound to have some lying around. I'm surprised the Airfix kit doesn't have any, I thought it was pretty much only Revell Germany who didn't (for obvious reasons).
A bomb dropped, targeted at 200,000 civilians???

On that basis, it would be justified to nuke Afghanistan to wipe out Al Qaeda...

If you search this forum, you'll find a lot of evidence to justify the bombings. Yes, they were horrible, but they did shorten the war, where the other alternative was invasion, and that would have raised the body count higher then the bombings.
The band I manage kicked the one guy out because he did not do what he was suppose to do and now he is being a real @sshole towards everyone and he makes it look like he was the victim in all of this.
Ankles are killing me today, they day I am supposed to leave for two days of hiking. Don't know if the legs are going to allow me to walk in the woods. May be a weekend of staring at a campfire?
Time to see the Doctor again I guess and see about Cortizone shots in the Achilles, sounds very painfull!!!
It took the girls at the expresso shop more then 12 minutes to make my latte, and they skipped me causing me to be late for work. I'm not going in there again, I'll just go to Exxon.
Day three and a half of having a mobile broadband Internet connection fault that the service provider can't find! It's running twice as slow as a dyslexic, one-fingered typist. Then, to cap it all, having said sod it due to not getting anything done, I let the oh so slllloooww system run for an hour and twenty minutes to download a book, whilst I got on with a bit of modelling.
Ping, download complete and successful.
Nope! Went to open the saved file and 'BEE BAAH', "An error occured when opening the file, and the file has been damged and can not be recovered".
B*ll*cks and thrice bl**dy b*ll*cks! I'm going to bed and staying there until next weekend!
Sounds like you might have a virus?

Terry, was it the FAA in WWII book? If so, you need all 3 parts before you can open it. I ran into the same problem, but Karl told me about that.
Doughboy, no it isn't (wasn't, it's fixed now) a virus. It was a fault in the network of the mobile (cell phone) broadband company. Mine isn't by cable or wireless Internet, the connection is via a high speed 3G sim card. Apparently there has been an undetected fault affecting only my immediate region, which has been getting progressively slower, until it dropped out altogether, leaving me just with 2G. The latter is designed just to host telephone text messaging services, not Internet traffic! But thankfully I'm now back on the 7.9 Mbps connection.
Cory, no, it was just a Squadron/Signal book. Done it now, in 90 seconds flat!
I couldn't get the FAA 3-part book, there was an error on the page somewhere, so Karl is checking for me.
My summer is shot. My landlord just told me that when the lease is renewed in Sept., the rent is going up 75%! Can't handle that so its off to find another place. My pre-wife and I are thinking maybe buying but my divorce left me so crippled credit-wise, I don't know. But this just shot all the summer plans!

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