Testing the new strings on my guitar as I'll have a gig tomorrow night. First time to have the whole night for ourselves since a year or so. Haven't performed last year and this year only as supportact, so I'm quite exited.
Getting ready to go to a friend's 30th birtday party, meeting up with a large group of friends before we go.
Hm, I should've been getting ready a couple of hours ago, better get going...it ain't easy getting ready when you haven't been told what time you should've been there.
Relaxing after sharing a taxi home with friend Dorthe, after friend Kristine's birthday party.
And I discovered that I'm not too keen on mojitos, but that strawberry daiquiris are the thing for me. *burp* Sorry...*giggle*
Am not dizzy anymore, but I'm still in a good mood; we had fun and good snacks, cake and coffee, and Kristine's friends and family are cool people.
Time to copy the photos from tonight, to my comp.
Well Wurger, you've been thinking about doing nothing for so long that if you hadn't been thinking all this time you'd have had doing nothing down to an art form by now.
I am working on the P-47.