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coming up old chap!
Me and one of my mates, been talking about history, which we both love, decided to have a silent moment to ourself, honouring our soldiers, past, present and future, without who's sacrifice, we could not enjoy the liberties that we have today...
Working on the P-47. Trying fix my $@(+ up and am not doing well. The windscreen has a puddle of glue in the top of it. HOW IN THE BLUE BLAZES DID IT GET THERE?! I may just order another complete canopy for it.
I hope these danish stamps are aviation related Maria. :)

I'm resting , tomorrow I have to be on duty.


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Because of the format (vertical/horizontal) used when taking the photo. Just use 'Irfanview' or similar photo-editing software, to rotate them before posting.
Waiting...waiting...waiting, not sleeping much. For the new job, I have a drug test and physical tomorrow in Prince George. Drug test no problem, physical...they want to kill me. Was a Papermaker for 22yrs and a heavy equipment operator for the past 4yrs. Last push-ups I did was in army cadets.(Many, many push-ups.) This will be like asking a new born to qualify for Special Forces.

Crossing my fingers for you, Geo.

I'm just relaxing after a warm day.
Sunshine, light wind, up to 24 C/75 F. Phew.
It gets warmer tomorrow, up to 27 C/81 F - and I can't find my shorts...*gasps*
Thanks Bikerbabe and Terry. On my way but first, have to pick up wife at the airport. She flies in from Kamloops, BC. Her flight leaves from(get out your google maps on this one, folks.)Kamloops and then goes to Calgary,Alberta-Vancouver,BC-Prince George,BC.

Just about to set off for the Air Museum at Elvington, and brushing the dust off something called 'sun glasses' - haven't had a need for them in nearly 2 years!!

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