What are you doing now?

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Enjoying the pain killers that the dentist gave me!

Did you bring enough for everyone?

What am I doing right now, sitting at work wishing it was 5:00 p.m. Friday afternoon. Then it's off to northern Minnesota to get away from the rat race for a few days. No TV, no radio, no traffic, if my Dad does not come along I probably won't see another human for 3 or 4 days depending on how long I decide to stay.
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Yeah it does..... right after 1.59!

I been scouring the net for a picture of a specific Bristol F.2b........number A7192 or A7202 from 111 Unit, 1917!
I have found one of A72194, but I have a feeling the scheme was different.
It's another Davidson, Charles Robert this time. Ace, 6 victories, and an Military Cross recipient.

It would become one WWI GB entry.....
'Aving a pint (just past half way through) of Timothy Taylor Ale (4.3%) in a pub, burning their Wifi (not Wife-e, cos' that'd be somthing different if it were... ba bum de tum *comedic drum pattern beat*)

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