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Sitting at work right now perusing the forums. Also waiting for a call back from the doc's. Apparently playing hockey two weeks ago I had broken the "ball joint" of my humorous bone (near the shoulder)...which would explain the constant aching I've had since that night lol.
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Trying to work out how to get a large tent, an equally large tent canopy, two camp beds, two sleeping bags, chairs, table, very large cool box, lots more camping kit, plus large camera bags, bar, and my mobility scooter in the back of my mate's car for the Duxford air show, and still have room for enough beer and bacon ...........

where as i have a small tent, bed roll and sleeping bag etc that all fit in my little smart car, leaving room in the passenger footwell for beer and bacon !
Still dozy after lack of sleep. Was about to climb onto 'Blunderbird One' and go into town, when a dam burst - or at least that what it seemed like. Rain bouncing back up from the pavement about two feet!
Think I'll build an Arc instead. Now where's the 'phone number for 'Arcs R Us' ............

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