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Recovering from an interesting lesson I just learned.

Never eat a handful of sour jellybeans and wash it diwn with a dark beer. Ever.

I can't quite describe the taste, but I would rather drag my tongue along the bottom of a soiled cat litter box and then rinse it with bleach before ever doing the jellybean/beer thing again.

Never eat a handful of sour jellybeans and wash it diwn with a dark beer. Ever.

I can't quite describe the taste, but I would rather drag my tongue along the bottom of a soiled cat litter box and then rinse it with bleach before ever doing the jellybean/beer thing again.


A suicide... :lol:
Going through my latest books, got even more respect for the Swordfish crews now, Time Team on the picture box, getting cuppa made, coffee.....thinking to myself 'what more confusion can I create in the asylum today?'.....
Recovering from an interesting lesson I just learned.

Never eat a handful of sour jellybeans and wash it diwn with a dark beer. Ever.

I can't quite describe the taste, but I would rather drag my tongue along the bottom of a soiled cat litter box and then rinse it with bleach before ever doing the jellybean/beer thing again.


Well now you have me curious.
Dave, it's taken me about 5 minutes to stop laughing so hard I can't type. There's a puddle of tears on the desk and my sides are killing me. I was enjoying a honey, vinegar, lemon, cayenne pepper, and turmeric mixture to kill this cold but I almost ended up on my monitor. Oh, and the mixture is working if you need to know how to mix it send me a PM.

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