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Listening to my new Top Gear dvd playing on the telly; bought the dvd's on sale today.
Cars doesn't make much sense to me, they've got too many wheels anyway to be thoroughly enjoyable for my taste, but I love the passion and enthusiasm that the three hosts of Top Gear has got - plus their sense of humour - and best of all: Jeremy Clarkson!
Thinkin I should tell my boss I didn't sign up for Full Time work, I signed on for casua, less than 20 hours a week. BNut he just can't find reliable to run the router, or anyone who can think outside the box, if you know what I mean. Can't take the whinging of some of the people at work neither. I will be 69 in June as well. Don't you think it's time Not to work a full week?????
Talking of paint, I have just come in from spraying the side of my classic car after spending hours repairing the damage caused by a hit and run van...
The low pressure system works a treat.

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