What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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I am afraid it is going to be a very limited time I have access. Still no computer at home. I am working a little overtime at a dirt racing track at my company's store in Boone, Iowa getting ready for the IMCA Supernationals. Should have close to 800 cars in various classes here in tiny Boone, Iowa. The computers here at this store are on a different network so I have access tonight only. Good to see everyone again!
She's doing well then mate! Last woman I knew who tried to drive an auto for the first time, wondered why it wouldn't just go when she got in it - she thought auto meant everything was auto !
And yes, she was blonde !!
It is still warm and sunny here. What a difference to last few years.
We used to refer to a warm September as an 'Indian summer'.... which is probabily inappropriate in these sensitive times.
I wonder how long we'll be allowed to have Halloween and Bonfire night?....or even Christmas?
You have to laugh really.
Just finished a 20km walk in 32 degrees in practice for next year's Spanish pilgrimage to Santiago. Not a huge achievement but very satisfying to know I can maintain the minimum daily distance when it's hot.

Only 1,380 km to go thereafter.....
Just finished a 20km walk in 32 degrees in practice for next year's Spanish pilgrimage to Santiago. Not a huge achievement but very satisfying to know I can maintain the minimum daily distance when it's hot.

Only 1,380 km to go thereafter.....

That is a good pace John.
Better take a supply of Ivor's and Tribute to sustain you
Let me see John. 1,400km at 20km per day is 70 days. At 3 pasties and 5 pint s per day at 500g per pastie and 500g per pint (including bottle) that is 4kg per day x 70 is 280 kg, or more than 1/4 tonne. Perhaps some sort of hand cart might be in order?

It would be another 280kg if i took everything people say might come in useful. My aim is 10kg plus liquids. Definitely no heavy boots. Sandals rule. Never get blisters in sandals. The Roman army knew what it was doing.

I suspect I shall be eating a lot of bread, sausage and ham and drinking a lot of wine in living off the land.
You'll have to slip a bottle of Tribute into your backpack to sustain you in an emergency though. That and the thought that England will always be here
I admire your journey... you could post pictures of your adventures.
Living off the land is the best plan, as you say all successful armies did that.
Best wishes

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