What Cheered You Up Today? (2 Viewers)

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It's been reported that the PM, David Cameron, on holiday on the Isle of Jura, is suffering from "a bad back". He's expected to have an epidural injection to cure the problem.
Oh dear, how ****ing sad!
I hope he's now experiencing just a teeny weeny bit of the pain, discomfort and bl**dy inconvenience the Disabled members of Britain's population have to endure, 24 hours per day, 365 days of the year, every year, whilst trying to live and exist on the reduced Benefits he's ****ing imposed!
T*at !!
Well...for the first time since the wreck, I was able to walk from the car, up my steps and into my place (had to use a cane, but it's still walking!)

So I am for the most part, free of the wheelchair. Still slow going and wear out quickly, but it's progress :thumbleft:
Not nearly as crabby as I was yesterday, and nowhere near as bad as the day before that.
I don't recall being as crabby as much as I am these days when the Breaking News thread was still open for business;)
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Got home two days ago, totally exhausted in the happiest way possible. :D
Unpacked as soon as I got home - there are advantages to having a washing machine at your disposal at the house you rent, it meant that my suitcase was chock-full of clean clothes, sorted and packed neatly, which made it dead easy and fast to unpack.
Had three wonderful flights home - hell, my brother Brian (who couldn't be there) made sure that my other brother and his wife and kids was there to see me off at the airport in Upernavik. I love them for that thing alone, it meant a lot to me. :)
Ran into some really sweet fellow passengers on the flights, we had a good time on the planes.
And ran into sound guy Steve that I knew from Upernavik, at Ilulissat - we spent a few hours talking like we had always known each other, it was great.
He was going back home to Toronto, it was good to see him again. :)
Sat next to a very pretty young greenlandic lady on the flight to Copenhagen, she was going to study law in Aalborg once she got there, and she was a bit subdued and sad because she was leaving her family to stay in Denmark while studying. I did my best to cheer her up to take her mind off her family and feeling sad, I'm very happy to say that I succeeded in making her laugh big time quite a few times. That felt really good. :)
Almost had a heat stroke once I got out of the plane - I had gotten used to 3-5 C in Greenland, and Copenhagen was 17 C - phew, hot weather! :D
Had no problems at Customs, since I had remembered the CITES certificates for the pendants I had gotten, made of walrus tusks. Customs officer was happy, so was I. :)
Got stuck in a slight traffic jam on the way home from the airport, it turned out that a police car and a 4WD had had an accident on the motorway, but fortunately no-one was seriously injured.
Headed straight for mom and dad's place, i had like 54 dkk left (- about 8-9 usd), so mom helped by paying the cab fare, we had arranged that when I had gotten my luggage and called mom and dad, so - no prob. Thank god for wonderful parents! ;)
Picked up the money and almost hugged mom to pieces, it was so good to see her. Dad waved from the apartment window, he's not walking very well, so he stayed upstairs.
Went home, unpacked, aired the apartment (- 2 weeks' worth of stuffy stale air? Pffffh! :D ), and just couldn't fall asleep, so I stayed up until 4 o'clock in the morning. That's midnight, greenlandic time. :D
Finally went to bed, fell asleep instantly, got up, had breakfast, went to visit mom and dad.
DAMN it was great to hug and see them again, I was so happy! :D
We talked a lot, had dinner, and I went back home around 8 in the evening. I did some quick grocery shopping and headed home.
I was chock-full of all the experiences, I needed a bit of time on my own. Understandable, I guess.
Got up late today, made coffee, had breakfast, sorted souvenirs and papers from the trip and put everything in a cardboard box I bought yesterday.
That's my "Greenland"-box. :)
And my soul hasn't quite arrived yet, but that's okay. It will take the time it takes. :)
Sounds like a cracking time you had Maria :D glad you managed to recharge in your homeland :)

@WayneLittle, congratrs to you your team mates for making it to the finals :D

I just bagged a riddiculously cheap copy of GTA San Andreas for my tweeked ancient PC :D a virtual gaming equivelent to bacon whence it arrives before this coming Friday..
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Great stuff Maria. Sounds like you had a fantastic time, full of lasting memories.
Oh, and a big 'Thank You' for the post card from Greenland. That's definitely a 'first' for me !

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