What Cheered You Up Today?

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Got my computer back this afternoon, after three days without it. It's now all up-dated, 'cleaned', fitted with a 320Gb HD and 80Gb external drive, super-dooper graphics card, new CD/DVD deck, plus lots of other stuff, and all in a brand new case too! It's my father's axe etc ...!
I can now catch-up with the forum and, finally, download and edit the 1,900 pics I took at the Duxford air show last weekend !
Got my computer back this afternoon, after three days without it. It's now all up-dated, 'cleaned', fitted with a 320Gb HD and 80Gb external drive, super-dooper graphics card, new CD/DVD deck, plus lots of other stuff, and all in a brand new case too! It's my father's axe etc ...!
I can now catch-up with the forum and, finally, download and edit the 1,900 pics I took at the Duxford air show last weekend !

good stuff Dogsbody
Thanks awfully chaps! And boy, did I need a forum 'Fix'. Felt like I'd lost both arms and half a leg. Hang on, that's what I feel like normally .....!
Only 320GB Terry, thought you'd need more than that, I'm thinking of getting another drive and I've got a 1TB one...

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Hugh, the 320 Gb drive is temporary, until my mate gets a 1 Tb drive - should be about a month, to allow me to catch up and sort files etc.
John, I got some nice Spitfire shots, although the best flying shots were too distant, or into the sun / cloud glare. There were only six Spits, plus two from the BBMF, plus one Hurricane, a Bearcat, B-17, B-25, Buchon and a Wil.... one of those things.
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And they got rid of that weird porn stuff also?

No doubt...

Hugh, the 320 Gb drive is temporary, until my mate gets a 1 Tb drive - should be about a month, to allow me to catch up and sort files etc.
John, I got some nice Spitfire shots, although the best flying shots were too distant, or into the sun / cloud glare. There were only six Spits, plus two from the BBMF, plus one Hurricane, a Bearcat, B-17, B-25, Buchon and a Wil.... one of those things.

Fair enough, makes a lot of sense.
I was going through all the shots taken at the Duxford air show today, editing, re-sizing etc, when I came across those two or three inevitable shots, which always happen at such events.
You know the type I mean, where a chap by the name of Richard Head either walks or stands right in front of you, just as you press the shutter release for that perfect shot.
Or the odd Mr. P. Rick who, apparently unable to read, or understand instructions, believes he has the sole right to walk beyond the designated photo area on the flight line, in order to get his perfect shot, and b*gg*r everybody else, who then get him in all their photos.
Well, it reminded me of the conversation Karl and I had about these incidents, whilst standing on Duxford's hallowed apron.
Karl addressed one particular offender, a certain Mr. T. Watt, and said, "Excuse me mate, have you got an e-mail address?".
To which the reply was, "Yes. Why?"
And Karl replied, "So that I can send you a picture of the back of your ****ing head!"
The memory of that priceless moment cheered me up today !
I saw a report on one of these set up "gotcha" TV shows (I think is was something like What Would You Do).
The scenario was some yahoo in a US flag shirt is giving a hard time to a store clerk who is a Muslim.
Another customer was a soldier in uniform and he immediately stepped up to defend the clerk - to the point of threatening to throw the guy in the flag shirt out of the store if he didn't leave the clerk alone!
Of course the TV producers made a big deal out of the soldiers actions. The soldier himself didn't understand why they were surprised at his actions, according to him this is what he had signed up for.
I feel the Army should recognize the NCO and publicize his actions widely - because this is what US service men and women do.
I always believed that the VN protesters had the right to their opinions - it is a shame they didn't feel we had a right to ours.
Friday and payday, and the old woman put out!
Red letter day in my book.
Perhaps the payday had something to do with it, but any time she is interested, it is a good day.
As you married men will attest to, I am sure!
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