What Cheered You Up Today?

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Thank you gentlemen and thanks for the note Karl. Paul, at first I felt very old and now I can't wait to get on the floor with legos and toy cars.

Congrats Geo, its a slippery slope towards zimmer frames and falsies...

Recently enrolled into an A&P program and they accepted my Avionics degree as well as some of the other training I did.

Good on you, nightfighternut; good luck with the study. I did an A&P course through a major airline and at the time I was considerably older than my fellow students, but it was a good time.

What's cheered me up? My wife and child are away for a few days!
Lovely, warm sunny day.
A nice walk with the dogs in the woods which are just starting to show autumn colours.
Very tranquil :)
Still in camp an was informed 10 minutes ago that I have achieved Grampa status. Baby Ezra weighed in a 8lbs 2oz. Mom and baby are fine.I still have tomorrow left in camp and then have to find out if I go to P.G. to meet them or if I wait at home with Dawg.

Just saw this now George, congratulations!! I've always heard that being a grandparent is better than being a parent. Enjoy it!!
It is true. We get to be the fun ones now, give them toys and sweets and then send them home!
And possibly the best part is when our children complain!

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