What Cheered You Up Today?

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Its taken me years to be a miserable, anti social and cynical bastard Dave.
Its not something that comes over night you know... :)

We could have some quite amusing forum titles like Jan's.... but, someone somewhere would be offended or find it all highly inappropriate.....
Have not found decent work yet so I'm going back to school to finish my aviation education that I started 16 years ago. Recently enrolled into an A&P program and they accepted my Avionics degree as well as some of the other training I did. Just 19 months to go and still looking for a part time job to cover the off hours. :) Fortunately my wife wants me to just concentrate on school and she will support me while I attend. We are blessed in the fact she can support us during this time. I almost feel like a kid except for the fact that I'm about the oldest student there.
Sunshine, nice weather, good food, internet, messing with photos, coffee...mmm, life's good. :)
Ah, It is good to hear from you, as possibly the only female "active" member of this forum!
The thing that cheered me up today,
I recently started a job that requires me to randomly accost people and help them to find home improvement items. I excel at this, if I do say so myself.
After one month on the job, I have had three, count, 'em, three, recommendations, from department managers, that I should be full time and in their departments!
F*ck Yeah!
I know enough about any home improvement to be dangerous, and apparently that is enough!
Not only did i get my Gloster Javelin kit at £10 off, it arrived less than 24hrs after i ordered it.
I then found it has decals for a machine based at RAF Middleton St George which is now my local airport just a few miles from where i grew up and where my childhood airshow memories were made !
A lovely family day, sold everything at the car boot sale, made a nice few bob.. home for tea, medals and a huge roast dinner. :)
I'm feeling very benevolent at the moment...
Stonking great horse radish crop this year. Must grate some, dye it green and tell people it's wasabi. The trade have been doing it for years, why not me!

Horse radish and creme fraiche in the mashed tatties tomorrow. Possibly with mackerel and horse radish. But there is a whole other thread for all that.
Still in camp an was informed 10 minutes ago that I have achieved Grampa status. Baby Ezra weighed in a 8lbs 2oz. Mom and baby are fine.I still have tomorrow left in camp and then have to find out if I go to P.G. to meet them or if I wait at home with Dawg.


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