What Cheered You Up Today?

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What cheered me up today you ask. The fact that I have a 4 day work week this week and a 2 day work week next week.

Off to the north woods of Minnesota again to hunt some deer, only this time with a rifle. Not too many deer on the property I hunt this year, at least I haven't seen many, but I'll be away from the rat-race for several days. Nothing like spending 4-5 days perched up in a tree.
Bought an Enfield Snider barrel/shoe which was described as smooth bored. Gave it a clean today and it has a full set of nice as new 147 year old rifling hidden under the muck in the barrel. It can now replace the 20 bore smooth bore version in my stock. Now to make a mould for the bullets. SWMBO will probably now want me to sit the Chasse exam to have her supplied with deer and boar.
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Nice I am only totally jealous you own such a lovely piece.
Nice I am only totally jealous you own such a lovely piece.

It is a proper mongrel of a bitsa. Even the stock comes from two different guns, the lock and fittings from one of those and now two different barrels from neither. None of them made in Enfield so nothing is made interchangeably hence all the bits require hand fitting. Has no historical value and needs no paperwork here.
Went Mountain Biking at Welcome to Gisburn Forest | Gisburn Bike Trails with my buddies. Brilliant weather cold but bright and sunny with YAAY no wind. We got totally muddy and all fell off at least once then to the pub to sit by an open fire drinking good beer and eating chunky chips with ketchup. I am tired a teensy bit sore but have a grin that meets at the back of my head. Sundays dont come much better.
Lovely walk across Dartmoor with my Labradors, in the sun and clear blue sky.
Absolutely beautiful and a fitting reminder of why my country is so precious to me on this sad day.
Well, so much for that.
I have been asked to drive a truck to Asheville. Moving one of the kids. I will not be loading the thing, this I promise.
They can load it themselves. I am too old for this crap.
And I am planning on being hung-over for most of the moving process.

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