What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Got a message from my nephew today for the first time in 22 years. Our family fell apart when my grandmother died in 1991. She's been a source of intrigue and hatred and my parents decided to break all contact back then and I haven't spoken or seen him since. Now he and I found eachother on fb. We both agree that we should leave the mess behind that we inherrited from the older generations and see if we build a new relation as family. I think it's a good start and I'm happy with it. Too much sh!t happened in the past and now it's time to leave it behind.
Got a message from my nephew today for the first time in 22 years. Our family fell apart when my grandmother died in 1991. She's been a source of intrigue and hatred and my parents decided to break all contact back then and I haven't spoken or seen him since. Now he and I found eachother on fb. We both agree that we should leave the mess behind that we inherrited from the older generations and see if we build a new relation as family. I think it's a good start and I'm happy with it. Too much sh!t happened in the past and now it's time to leave it behind.

A-Fricken-Men! I hate being stuck in the middle of family drama.
As a veteran of family B.S., I have to say, "Good for you!"
I have tried to reach out to several family members in the past, only to receive no reply. I remain a black sheep.
But I am glad for you!
As a veteran of family B.S., I have to say, "Good for you!"
I have tried to reach out to several family members in the past, only to receive no reply. I remain a black sheep.
But I am glad for you!
thanks meat. Sorry it doesn't work out for you.
As for me, I don't think it will fully be mended. Having contact with my nephew is enough for the moment. My mother still is very sensitive about the matter and she is more important to me. We'll see where it'll lead...

It's a pitty that people cannot get over these kind of things. While I do understand my mother, especially after what she went through in the past, I still think it's a shame. My father died while never been able to get over this, never having seen his sister again. Well, I won't bore you folks with more of my family bussiness. Still, hope someone will come to his/her senses in your family, meatloaf.
7 hours till 4 days off. Not cooking tomorrow, going to relatives instead so should be a much easier Thanksgiving. I also hope to get some model building done in between items on a huge Honey Do list.
Saw my son again after him not contacting us for 3 years. Knew where he was and that he was OK thanks to past experience tracing people and using cyber stalking tricks but good that he chose to contact us and came around to see us while we visited his sisters.

Back from UK now and safe from crowded roads everywhere and crazy people driving on the wrong side of the road. Nice to visit and I recommend the Bovington Tank Museum and the Portsmouth Historical Dockyard (especially the Mary Rose and HMS Warrior) but it confirmed to me why I emigrated to France.

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