After browsing many web sites over the last few months, looking for a camper-van or small motor-home, and, in the last couple of weeks, missing-out on some good ones, but also viewing some real sheds, I've finally found one at the right spec, and right price, and agreed to pick it up next week, once the current owner has got the new MoT certificate (the annual, compulsory road safety check certificate for the UK) sorted.
Although I'd prefer a slightly larger, true motor-home, this type is more practical for everyday use, and is fully equipped with everything needed for a weekend break at air shows, or a touring holiday, and will allow me to get out and about without having to depend on others to erect and dismantle a tent.
So, 'Tel's Tin Tent' should be ready for the air show season, and that's really cheered me up !
(Photo via the current owner).