What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Yep, just shadow - the exhaust, which looks new, or at least fairly new, can be seen sticking out from underneath, half way down the side of the van, beneath the title graphic 'Rambler'.
It's by no means a new vehicle, far from it in fact, but it has been serviced and well maintained from new, is undersealed and, rare for this model and year, it has power steering.
Small, in fact tiny, in comparison with the average American camper-van/motorhome, it's done less than 3,500 miles per year, a total of 81,000, so still enough life left for my needs, and has a full-sized fridge, oven, hob, sink, shower and toilet, plus the usual dual lighting etc. It needs a little attention to some rust spots on the bottom of the sliding door on the port side (opposite side to that shown in the photo), which is common on this style of van at over 20 years old, but easily fixed at relatively little cost. There's also a wind-out awning on that side of the van, which will be useful when it's 'party time' on site, for setting up the bar and BBQ !
A couple of other similar vans I looked at, and 'hummed and harred' about, therefore missing out, had a higher mileage and / or were a couple of years older, not in as good condition, and sold for between £200 and £1,000 more, so I'm happy enough with it, even if it turns out it needs more attention than anticipated and informed about.
Got to travel 'up north' 135 miles to collect it, but at least that'll give me a chance to 'break it in', and get accustomed to it.
Note the graphic on the top, front end - a snail !
Think I might add wings and a jet pipe to that little image !!!
The Wildcat Express has arrived!!
Better make sure that they close the borders then, can't let any riffraff or bellends in! :lol:

Nice one old boy, a portable bar/pub, not a bad idea! :thumbright:
Hoo yooz callin' rif raf, you Smurf-like Muppet lover ?!!
Fortunately (for you) this well-appointed Gentleman's carriage currently resides in North Yorkshire, so it won't have to soil its tyres by crossing the border into Swettish Muppetsmurfatania !
And yes, a mobile party pub - the fridge will be ideal for keeping the beer chilled !
Yep, a beautiful spring day here too - I can certainly notice the change in the weather and pressure, as today I'm only having 'normal' pain, instead of the screaming ****ing agony of the past two weeks !
Funny you should say that Geo !
One of the vans I looked at, but rejected on the grounds that the inside resembled a disaster in a scrap timber yard, had a very nice, new, plain silver exterior, which would have been a prime candidate for USAAF 'Stars and Bars', black 'VE' code letters, a red segment on the rear with a white triangle, black letter 'A', and white serial number and individual code letter, and some Varga-style nose art !
Another would have been a huge improvement with Dark Green and Dark Earth from the roof to 1/4 way down the body, black on the rest, with 'C1' Type roundels, and Dull Red code TF -X, the roundel being after the 'TF', topped-off with some yellow hedgehog symbols as a 'bomb log' beneath the passenger's cab window!
Although absolute junk yards on wheels, in either of those colour schemes, they would have caused a stir at air shows !!!

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