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Right the Karl, that's definitely another one on the list for the Tin Tent's Travels !
When is it, I didn't see it on my show calendar?
Also, I just found out that my local air show returns, at Barton. The shows stopped after the tragic loss of the Mosquito in 1996, the only year I missed being on the Fire Crew and Marshall as I was away. Doubt I'll go though, as it won't be the same, not being 'air side', and it'll be crowded and as bad as Cosford for traffic.
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Sure is - glad to know the recovery is going well.
I managed to find a bit of energy, after another night with very little sleep, to tidy-out the Tin Tent, and find out how things work etc. Found some more, newish pots and pans, a new fan heater and, luckily, two gas bottles, one full - result !

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