What Cheered You Up Today?

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Having both the Blue Angels, a B-25 and a P-38 park at your FBO to stage for the Air Show this weekend.


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My first day out of bed and up and about, since getting back from the trip to NEAM and north Yorkshire, two weeks ago !
Still a bit weak, and finding it hard, and a tad painful to stand and walk, with stiff wrists also being a bit of a b*gg*r, but it's good to be up, and see something other than the bedroom ceiling !!
Flights done and dusted for my holiday trip to Japan in July! :D
Man, I am freakin' jealous...you know that, right? :lol:

I suppose you'll get a chance to visit Shinpachi?

My first day out of bed and up and about, since getting back from the trip to NEAM and north Yorkshire, two weeks ago !
Still a bit weak, and finding it hard, and a tad painful to stand and walk, with stiff wrists also being a bit of a b*gg*r, but it's good to be up, and see something other than the bedroom ceiling !!
Good to see you out and about, Terry! :thumbleft:

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