What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Not having to have cataract surgery. 2 years ago I saw one of those "eye specialist" at one of those buy one pair and get one free eyeglass places and he told me I had a cataract starting in my right eye. Right eye has been getting worse ever since. Finally saw an actual eye doc yesterday and he gave me an exam and said there is no evidence of a cataract. He said me vision would be corrected by a new eyeglass prescription and a credit card".
Come to think of it, new glasses may cost me more than the cataract surgery. I should move this to the "What annoyed me section".
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Dave, I got quotes from 29 different insurance companies, the best was just under £2000 the worst nearly £8000.

Car I insurance for under 25's in the UK is a total rip off.

The value of my car is around £2500 I might add !
God Almighty, it just never ceases to amaze me how they come up with schemes to screw people out of money.

And good luck trying to get anything out of them if you ever need it...

New job that is 1,000's better than the last one!
Awesome news!
I used to think that C.I.S. and NCIS was complete BS but locking up a London taxi driver for making IEDs 8 years ago is what I call a RESULT.

While I thank this man for enriching my culture and contributing massively to mans future including "helping" young muslims rehabilitation I find it sad that he wasnt found guilty in an American or even a Sharia court where his days of oxygen theft could have been brought to a rapid and sensible conclusion.

Anis Sardar trial: Iraq bombmaker trapped by sticky tape - BBC News

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