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Lovely weather David...that's barely warm down here...
You know Wayne, of all the typically hot places on earth, Redding has had the distinction of at least twice, being the hottest spot on the planet...last time was a few years back, where Redding's temps matched an oil rig outside of Algiers, Algeria...we won because our temps lasted 3 hours longer than Algiers'.

Not sure if that's something to celebrate about...unless there's cold beers involved.
What started as bad news turned out pretty good !

Last week my Daughter crashed my smart car and it is a total loss !
She is fine, no injuries to anyone.

Today I got payment of £3000 from my insurance company, I was only expecting about £1000 !
This is way more than I would've gotten if I had sold it or traded it in and also the new insurance for a car that is 5 years newer than my old car is £1000 cheaper !

Result !!!!

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