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Lucky bastard!

I know !

Yet my Daughter has picked the new car, baby blue :rolleyes:

I'll bring the spray gun and tins of RLM 02 and RLM71 to Duxford Karl !
I'm sure we can get a decent splinter and mottle job done in a couple of days ............. the crosses and numbers might take a bit longer though !
Done good there Karl, I had a similar experience years ago, when my Son wrote of my Commodore, also not hurt. was expecting $6-8000 on payout and got $11500, enough to buy another similar Commodore.:D
I'll bring the spray gun and tins of RLM 02 and RLM71 to Duxford Karl !
I'm sure we can get a decent splinter and mottle job done in a couple of days ............. the crosses and numbers might take a bit longer though !

I have asked and April said no !

She actually thinks we are going to buy a much older version in dark blue, so she should get a decent surprise !
The Lethbridge International Air Show has been on for a couple of days. Didn't get to go, but got to watch two slow passes over my place by the wonderfully polished B-17 Sentimental Journey. Brought a lump to my throat.
On a similar theme.

Whilst in Newcastle buying the new car I saw an OV 10 Bronco and a Mig 15 flying about for the close by Sunderland airshow.

Got a decent deal with the car, got the one my Daughter wanted so she is happy with her dear old Dad !

Must admit seeing a Mig 15 doing circuits over parts of England was a tad strange !
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