What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Called my fishmonger at 6am this morning as i woke up suddenly remembering i had forgotten to leave an orderast night.

By 8.30am he had delivered everything i needed for the bank hloiday weekend, fantastic service !
I finally got a reply to my complaint, from Border Force complaints dept, concerning the massive Customs overcharge for the model kit I should have got from Canada, back in November.
They acknowledged and agreed with all the points I raised, and are taking action to ensure that this does not happen again (at the London, Heathrow Airport Customs Office, and with Royal Mail).
As the parcel was (or should have been) 'Returned to Sender' after 21 days with Royal Mail, I didn't actually get the kit, and was out of pocket for the price of the kit and shipping. (The sender has not received the kit back in Canada, but this aspect has to be taken up with Royal Mail, although, as he has been paid for it, any action should be on my part.)
As Border Force acknowledge that I am 'out of pocket', they have offered a consolatory payment, which, although it doesn't get me the kit back, more than covers the financial loss, and has restored, at least partially, a little more confidence in the workings of Government departments, so that's cheered me up today.
They took their time but at least you have a result Dogsbody
I found yesterday.

My old second chef who i dismissed 3days before he was due to leave for being an arse.

Well he only lated 3 days in his new job!
I heard how it was going to be soooo much better than working for me,better food, better menus, better hotel !

Well knobhead now you know how easy it was working in my kitchen and how hard i worked to make it so easy you lazy fat bastard.
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(actually from Thursday, but anyway)
After 2 months of preparations, the actual working season kicked off. Some 7 months of work is in front of my wife & me, including every sunday and holyday.

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