What Cheered You Up Today?

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Yep, call me crazy. I'm trying to get in shape for climbing up and down much bigger hills/mountainside in Colorado next fall. Getting the legs and lungs accustomed to going up hill.
Metallica just released there first new music in 5 years!

"The Day The Never Comes"

I have it on repeat on my computer right now, after getting the official download.

It perfectly blends the old style and the new style and makes a great song!

I know it is the small things like this that can make me happy!

Oh and one more week and then I am going on vacation for 2 weeks!
Had a great party tonight for my wife and her friends birthday. Spent the evening in the yard drinking Irish Whiskey and German beer (what a mix huh?) while BBQing (is that even a word! )!

Yeah I am a bit drunk right now. Not completely drunk, but a really nice buzz I guess you could say! Since I rarely get drunk, this i very noteworthy and cheered me up!


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