What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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Unfortunately, anything posted on "social" networks is out there. I personally do not use them, but my wife and daughter use facebook and others. One of our model club member's family runs the "Roman Candy Man", a traditional street vendor in New Orleans of a mule pulled wagon selling a traditionally made candy for well over 100 years. After a club meeting, I searched "Roman Candy Man" and found a large number of shots of the wagon over the years, along with a picture of my wife and daughter which had nothing to do with the other photos. When I asked my about it, I was told it was her new photo on facebook. Any thing posted on the internet, is out there forever, even this post.
Unfortunately, anything posted on "social" networks is out there. I personally do not use them, but my wife and daughter use facebook and others. One of our model club member's family runs the "Roman Candy Man", a traditional street vendor in New Orleans of a mule pulled wagon selling a traditionally made candy for well over 100 years. After a club meeting, I searched "Roman Candy Man" and found a large number of shots of the wagon over the years, along with a picture of my wife and daughter which had nothing to do with the other photos. When I asked my about it, I was told it was her new photo on facebook. Any thing posted on the internet, is out there forever, even this post.

She lets me do FB to share pics with family, but she still hates it. Yes its still "out there", but at least you have a lil control over who can see it (at least if only for a moment).

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