What Cheered You Up Today? (1 Viewer)

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It ain't Pantera without Dimebag.

I don't disagree. Or Vinnie for that matter. But it will still be nostalgic. I also think having Dime's friends Zack Wylde on guitar and Charlie Benante from Anthrax will be pretty cool though.

I'm glad I got to see Pantera back in the 90s before they broke up, and eventually Zack being killed on stage.

This will be my 20th and 21st time seeing Metallica though. My wife is shaking her head. lol
About three weeks ago, I dropped a resin part from a 1/48th scale cockpit kit. It wasn't particularly small either, being the rear cockpit bulkhead for a P-47, but it totally disappeared, and I thought it must have bounced under the draw cabinet under the bench, which would have been impossible to reach without moving the contents of the bench, then moving the bench itself, and then moving the cabinets, so I gave up looking.
Today, I found the part, peeking out from just belowthe edge of a bookcase - 12 feet from where it fell !!!
The law of dropped objects. Where you think it went, look 180 the other way. Especially, if it hits your foot and you "saw" where it went. When I worked on business machines, learned black parts always fall on black squares, silver on white squares. Plastic parts have enough kinetic energy when dropped from 2 feet to get to the next room. I had hoped to solve the energy crisis by harnessing this energy, but retired first.

A slice of toast and jam always falls on the jam side.
Yep, from experience I knew this, and had already done an intensive 360-degree search (feet in the air !), from point of presumed impact outwards.
But "the Law of Sod" always seems to win - same as when you have the last sheet of film in the box to put on the process camera for the final set for the plate run, and hit the "white" light switch, instead of the "safe" light switch!
(Yep, been there, done that. And accidentally filled the Dev tank in the processor with Bleach - but it was Friday afternoon, after a rather heavy ,er... liquid lunch !!!).
My youngest son's surgery went well. He woke up, crawled straight into my wife's arms.

By the time he got home, you would not think he had a surgical procedure done. Cheerfull, happy, and as wild and crazy as any 4 year old can be. When they call tomorrow to follow up and see how he is doing, I'm actually going to jokingly complain that they did not knock him out enough, that mom and dad wanted a break.
This is good.

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