What Cheered You Up Today? (2 Viewers)

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A story from my son at the X-Mas meal : his platoon of reservists was on guard duty at an ammo depot the week before X-Mas.
As his squad's 2IC and on duty one night at the gate, they were hassled but some drunkard, with a nasty behavior. Following procedure, after several warnings, and menaces with the club, he had to tear gas the guy and report to the officer of the day (of the night in this case).
It happened this was an adjudant serving in the depot (the equivalent of your dreaded sergeant major).
He was sent to the sobering up cell.
Took the youngest over to the warehouse with me this afternoon and got the L-5 fuselage loaded on the trailer, and moved home. Will unload tomorrow and slide it in the garage. Then time to start temporary stuffing it, so I can build wiring harnesses. Progress after all these years of being in storage!
Vic: An L-5 isn't too complicated. I can stuff a fuselage for final assembly in a matter of two or three long days, depending on if the original radios are going back in. The harnesses take a few days by themselves to lay in and terminate the forward end and then dress and terminate the rest. Covering the frame takes much longer, and in my case, I need to build new wings also. For this project, everything is going back in and it will take several months due to having to fabricate all of the canvas covers and boots. I'm not a great seamstress, so it takes time.

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