What Cheered You Up Today? (26 Viewers)

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Welcome home Orion! Congrats team Artemis!

And Boeing didn't drop uncontrolled space junk all over the place.
Do you remember the engine being primed with fuel (we used lighter fuel) and then the prop being finger flicked to get the engine to fire, a little puf of smoke followed by a high pitched buzz noise. Those were the days. :D
Yes. I had a little Piper cub, orange and white and a biplane that we never flew. There was a spring that caught a blade. We would rotate the prop several times and let go the spring would spin the prop in the opposite direction and the engine would start. I remember the smoke, the smell of the fuel, and the whining high pitched engine. My father planes had a larger engine with a lower pitch sound. We would pack up everything and stop at a store and get a drink for less than a quarter.

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