What Cheered You Up Today? (2 Viewers)

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Well i am wishing both of them for him.
Luck because no one can do without it
Strenght because i believe strenght isnt about how big your muscles are nor about the guns you wear.

Furthermore i wish him:
Good company from friends for life his is bound to make .
Good training to get as best as one can get. And it will be hard.
And fun when un-winding. There is no thing better as being with your mates letting go the stress of the day.

He will do all right i am sure.
Well i am wishing both of them for him.
Luck because no one can do without it
Strenght because i believe strenght isnt about how big your muscles are nor about the guns you wear.

Furthermore i wish him:
Good company from friends for life his is bound to make .
Good training to get as best as one can get. And it will be hard.
And fun when un-winding. There is no thing better as being with your mates letting go the stress of the day.

He will do all right i am sure.

He'll do fine, he's braced himself for six months with private PT etc. My wishing him strength was not for physical strength -- he has that in spades. It is about mental strength, to push through when he thinks it's all going to pot.

Thanks to you and all others for the well-wishes, whatever form they come in.

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