What Cheered You Up Today? (2 Viewers)

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Dude! We told you to go right away!
I hope everything checks out.
Rooting for you Bill, hope it all turns out okay. But be a good chap and next time book yourself into emergency, you wont have to wait your turn, dicky hearts don't have to hang around and before you know it you'll be wheeled into a bed and wired up "toot sweet." I speak from experience Bill for I've been down this road a dozen times with my AF.
Stay in there and keep pitching, brother.
All is well. With that BP at the Drs, this a.m. my blood sugar was 7.8 and That is nice and low.
Glad is all okay Bill, now stay that way, no more dramas.....................RIGHT!.
After I posted the above comment I noticed that I have now been here for 14 years.

Hearty congrats George, has been good to have you around.

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