What Cheered You Up Today? (2 Viewers)

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Went into the local gun dealer this weekend with the intent on getting a couple 50 round boxes of .22 ammunition and walked out with a nice Ithaca 600 Over/Under shotgun. Was in extremely nice condition for a 50+ year old shotgun. Metal was near 100% and wood had a few little dings, but no major dents and not cracks. Will be used for trap and clay pigeon shooting.
P.S. I completely forgot to pick up the .22 ammo;(
Love my Ithaca 37's...Probably one of the best ambidextrous designs out there.
As a southpaw I've been looking for a decent and not too expensive over/under for an informal trap league for a while. Was not looking to spend the dollars for a Browning so was looking at the Stevens 555 for a while, but saw this at the store and knew the Japanese made Ithaca's from the 60's to mid 70's were well made guns so I pulled the trigger and picked this one up.
Now I need to find some time to get to the trap range later this week.
Sunday my son and his other half came to visit and cooked dinner. He is a foodie and she is a chef. While they were preping dinner I decided to make a hot lemon drink because I was feeling fluey so dropped the lemon in the microwave for 30 seconds. Both asked why. I showed them how it had puffed up and how it provided far more juice with far less effort.

Its nice to show the experts a new trick once in a while to make up for the many foodie tricks they have shown me

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