What Do Your Usernames Mean?

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the Scooter part i got because in grade 7 i wouldn't sit still and now its worse because i also got it because i cant keep a girlfriend for more than a month, and the 1992 because that is when i was born and how every second letter is a capital it just looks cool, hence ScOoTeR1992

Don´t look for a girl, you would have to change your nick...:lol:
Um... I meant the area that says, in your case, "aka Dickcheese".

Yeah, I got it Essex. [ding] There it is. See?

You gonna contribute or just sulk. Believe it or not I want your participation. Now LesOfPrimus is another story. You think you have been subject to an affront? :lol: I'll gladly pay that $2.47. Les' claws will go right through your "thick" skin. :lol:

Why do I think we'll never see this guy again?
Good for you emon, dont let Matt getyou down hes just mad because of...................................somthing, i dunno anyway good to have ya here and stay the heck away from Les' Bride:shock: if they say Dans scary youve never seen that chick with a herring:lol: ...............oh to keep on the thread im named after my dog :)


  • wilbur.bmp
    900.1 KB · Views: 117
My username means "vengeance" in Spanish. No great story here - I try and practice my Spanish (Dios mio, necesito practicar mas mucho!) by sometimes reading the movie descriptions in Spanish in the TV Guide, believe it or not. It seems like every other movie is about vengeance, or venganza and I just think it has a nice ring to it and it wasn't taken. Don't worry about the sinister username though - I'm reasonably harmless and even house-trained. Almost domesticated. Adios!
My username means "vengeance" in Spanish. No great story here - I try and practice my Spanish (Dios mio, necesito practicar mas mucho!) by sometimes reading the movie descriptions in Spanish in the TV Guide, believe it or not. It seems like every other movie is about vengeance, or venganza and I just think it has a nice ring to it and it wasn't taken. Don't worry about the sinister username though - I'm reasonably harmless and even house-trained. Almost domesticated. Adios!

inst that mexican soap operas ?
Posiblemente ambos (possibly both)! Venganza is probably also the name of a Mexican wrestler - hope I don't get sued for trademark infringement.

Mandoman. I play the mandolin, and people tell me I'm a man......that is, they keep telling me to stop playing with toys, and act my age. :rolleyes:
Velius is a bad guy from an old video game I used to play in high school. I like the way it sounds and I use the username for most on-line stuff.

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