What Do Your Usernames Mean?

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Picked mine up as a result of my avatar on some other sites.

Hmmmm, well I registered at a gaming communities site and couldn't think of a username to use and I saw the word Nickname, so I just added No with an underscore before it and there I had it, No_Nickname. I have used it ever since at over 15 different forums, and I even use it as my ingame name for PC gaming and I will still use it for my gamertag. I might even get it copyrighted :rolleyes:

The funny thing is that when my birthday came around, some of the people that knew me pretty well were like for your birthday somebody should give him a nickname, they have tried to get me to get it changed ever since, lol
Me, simple. I'm Burmese. And I come from a loooong line of Bandits...

Just kidding. I was always getting into trouble at school. Hence perptually wearing band-aids.

And thus the name was born...
I bought mine with me from the Ubi IL-2 forum way back when. I believe I was also flying online under that name by then with the Hells Gazelles :lol:

Originally, I had seen a skin of an La-5 painted up like a New York taxi, and as I like bombing stuff as opposed to dogfighting, a name was born! 8)
When I was young, my grandparents you to call me Messy Marvin, as in the kid from the old Hershey's syrup commercials. I guess I looked like him somewhat, and also had a talent for making messes. Well many years later at my first job out of high school, a co worker called me Messy Marvin just by chance, and was surprised I responded to it. Kind of got shortened to Messy becuase it was easier to say and have kept it ever since.
Denahue is a variation of my real name Denny. A fella stuck me with it about thirty five years ago at a company I use to work for. A lot of people, through various boards, know me by it. (Cigar Boards, SF Boards, Diving boards and now Aircraft boards.)
I was trying to register on an internet gaming site (Halo, if you must know) and, obviously, didn't want to use my real name, so I started looking around the room and, since I have three kids, we have a lot of Disney stuff scattered around the house, and my eye landed on my kid's copy of the Lilo Stitch DVD. I definitely didn't want to be called Lilo, so that narrowed my choices down. This was about 5 years ago, and I've been Stitch ever since.
Me ?...really imaginative mine !!, just the first letter of my Christian and Surname...GD.

I was trying to register on an internet gaming site (Halo, if you must know) and, obviously, didn't want to use my real name, so I started looking around the room and, since I have three kids, we have a lot of Disney stuff scattered around the house, and my eye landed on my kid's copy of the Lilo Stitch DVD. I definitely didn't want to be called Lilo, so that narrowed my choices down. This was about 5 years ago, and I've been Stitch ever since.

Heh. Stitch rules!!! :headbang:
...come up with your user name?
Didn't see a thread started about it(unless I missed it).
Mine is from my favorite saying by GI's in WWII. Situation Normal ALL F!@#$d Up. I seem to put myself in awkward situations in life( not intentionally mind you) so I consider myself the "SNAFU'd one" in the crowd. If ya feel this is too personal, no disrepect intended.
I liked the saying about CAVU.
Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited.

When i first started looking for a username Cavu had been taken I think so I had to come up with a variation that I liked.
Basically it's the wheels are up and your ceiling and visibility are unlimited.

The family and I were living out in the country in an old farmhouse with a small river just off the backyard. My neighbor had accidentally hooked a "mudpuppy" one day when he was fishing and it was huge, close to 2 feet long. Anyhoo, I was signing up for a flight sim forum not long after that and the pictures and research I'd done on this overgrown salamander was still fresh in my brain.

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