What Do Your Usernames Mean?

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Mine comes from when I first flew online.
I wanted a nordic one and one which could be pronounced by English speaking people, and there "Loke" was an easy choice. The "RAF_" is the prefix for all RAF662 group members and I have been a member of that group since beginning of 2000.
I like the close up scene of P-Popsie banks to the right and turning, in the movie "The Dam Busters."


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mi·grant (mī'grənt)
1. One that moves from one region to another by chance, instinct, or plan.
2. An itinerant worker who travels from one area to another in search of work.
"Smoke" was my great Uncles nickname/callsign when he was a fighter pilot in the Marines during WWII.
Barnestormer- a modification of Barnstormer for the 104th Fighter Wing from Barnes Municipal Airport in Massachusetts, so they called themselves the Barnestormers!
I am an argentinian grandson of a catalonian grandfather. Also I am a big fan of soviet airplanes of thirties and forties, besides british and japanese of same period. The Chato (Polikarpov I-15 nickname in Spanish Civil War) is a delightful airplane of those times.
Apologize for my "half-tarzan"english.

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