What Do Your Usernames Mean?

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Hello Fred.
Welcome to the site. 8)

You will probably get a better response regarding questions about your uncle if you start a new thread.
I would say to use the WWII General forum: WW2 General - Aircraft of World War II - Warbird Forums

The Basic forum is where most people start a thread and introduce themselves.
Basic - Aircraft of World War II - Warbird Forums

Happy posting and I hope someone can help with information regarding your uncle.

I took my name off of Marshal Ferdinand Foch, a French general and eventually Allied Generalissimo of the First World War (I really admire and respect him, hence why I choose it).
I live 100 m from a square named after the marshal.
Earlier this year the mayor announced that he was thinking about renaming the square as he considered Foch a war criminal who drove hundreds of thousands of people to death. I think that is not the right way to look back on history. But all in all, I am not entirely impressed by most WW1 generals who ordered attacks bloody well knowing that it would kill most of their own army for only limited gains.

In any case, I found this to be a perfect example of 'politically correctness' which I hate so I joined a Facebook group against the renaming.

But then I saw a new Facebook group advocating renaming the square into Sophie Scholl square. ... I thought that was even better so I joined that group too :D

Sophie Scholl was behind the Weisse Rose, an underground university resistance group against the nazi regime. Executed without a fair trial. This world doesn't have many people of that calibre. And most of them remain unnoticed.

Nothing really, just thought it was a cute play on words as a nick while flying on-line missions over the Russian Front on Hyperlobby. Cry Me a River was a song by written by one Arthur Hamilton many years ago and sung by many jazz artists.

I have no connection to the Crimea, but I swam in a river a couple of times and crossed many on bridges.
Simply, N4521U rego number of the Cessner150D I learned to fly in, I was 48. It was affectionately known as "two one ugly". White with dark green trim, not a hansome looking aircraft, but kept in eggsellent nick by Ralph! cheers, Bill
Mine is a tribute to my Uncle, Fred Sanderson, who died in Halifax JD414 (78 Squadron) over Nuremburg, on the 28th August 1943. Joined the site to find out more information about the mission and the what happened to him. Also my father, now well into his eighties and his younger brother, flew in Lancasters during the war, has always wanted to know more about that fatefull night for his brother. Appreciate it if anyone has any information.

Here is what I have found so far.

Halifx JD414 was delivered by English Electric Co. (Salmesbury Preston) between 29Jul43 and 5Aug43. JD414 was one of two 78 Sqdn halifaxes lost on this operation. The Plane was airborne 2100 27Aug43 from Breighton. Exploded over the target area following a fire in the main fuel tanks. Those killed are buried in Durnbach War Cemetery. P/O S.Norris KIA F/O A.J.Birtles RAAF KIA Sgt D.J.Purcell KIA F/O T.H.Tabberer KIA P/O K.W.McTernaghan KIA F/S D.Crompton PoW Sgt R.S.Payne KIA P/O F.R.Sanderson KIA F/S D.Crompton was interned in Camps 4B/L3, PoW No.222584
Many thanks Beaupower for the info. Noticed that there was one suvivor: it's amazing that someone could get out of a plane that explodes!
My mates used to call me 'Flo'. Short for Florence as in Florence Nightingale. And yes thats because I am a nurse. So I just went with the Flo..... :grab:
The Good Old Split S Maneuver - when you fly the bottom half of an S :)
Never posted here :oops:

Anyway, 'tomo' is short of my name, Tomislav, and 'pauk' (=spider in English) is nickname of Andrija Matijaš, commander of tank unit of 4th Guards brigade, back in 1990s Croatian army. He died in last says of war, 1995, in action of course :salute:
Crotalus= Genus name for the rattlesnakes, I'm a huge snake fan ('specially the venomous guys). Kid= I'm young (23)

Very cool, I am also a snake fan. Have been since I was a kid as well. Spent a lot of time with Rattlers in Alabama and North Carolina.

I also have been having snakes as pets since I was a kid. When I lived in the states, I had a Ball Python, a Colombian Red Tail Boa Constrictor, and a Burmese Python all at the same time. Had to get rid of them when I joined the Army though, they would not let me take them with me! At the moment I only have a Ball Python, but as soon as I get back to the states I plan on getting about 20 different kinds of snakes.
GI Jive because I run a dance troop doing 1940's Lindy Hop and Jive, Jitterbug, we sometimes go to events with Big Bands and I DJ intervals for them. I also DJ 1940's weddings, etc.



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N4521U, a D model Cessna 150 I learned to fly in. Better known in Livermore as "two one ugly". it was white with forest green trim. Flew like a dream, but was in fact not very atractive. cheers, Bill
Eco-81 has double mening. I was in E company 2/3 Marines in the 90's and when I first joined this site I was working on Engine Company 81 with the fire department I worked for.
Loiner, to explain for those outside the UK, is just the nick name for a resident of our fine city of Leeds, similar (although less well known) to Scousers from Liverpool, Cockneys fom London and Geordies from Newcastle/Tynside.

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