What does it all mean?

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::looks innocent:: I know nothing about those 690,000 illegal songs being downloaded....

It amazes me how fast technology is coming along, even from where it was when I was a kid. Kinda exciting to think about where we'll be when my daughter is my age.
...and your age being?

36. I still remember my family getting our first microwave oven; and we were forced to watch a B&W TV for the longest time...it had a UHF knob, and you pulled the volume knob out to turn the thing on. Of course, the tubes in the TV took forever to warm up, so you had to plan ahead if you wanted to watch a show...
Hah.. I remember that. And I remember the first remote control for a TV. Volume and channel up. That was it. State of the art is was. And when you hit channel up, you could hear the solenoid turning the pot to change the channel {ka-chunk}. Good times. And when laser discs came out the household that owned one of those, "was rich".
Wow, I have to admit that was pretty interesting.

It amazed me how much the world and technology has changed since my parents were born in the 40's.

Gord ahmighty, how bl00dy sh!t old am I????????
My grandmother gave me one of the first little Transistor radios in the 50's, that's how b... sh.. old I am!
My grandparents had one of the first tellies in the block, 7" Motorola around 1949. The kids would flock in to watch Uncle Milty, Red Skelton, Howdy Doody. I was born in the States. I grew up listening to Amos and Andy, the Lone Ranger, Boston Blacky.

Sputnik. Elvis gyrating on Ed Sullivan. The Beatles first trip to America. I was in Berkeley when the Flower Children were there. The Haight Ashbury.

Gotta stop, sorry. G'night children.
Amos and Andy. I still listen to that broadcast under the Golden Oldies radio station locally. Good stuff that is. That and Lum and Abner.
We're aging ourselves admitting we even know what those were - listening to Amos Andy, the Lone Ranger..."Who know what evil luurks in the hearts of men....."

Rotary phones when dialing the police was a 7 digit number.
Rotory phones (with a party line), 13" Black and white TV with 3 tv stations, sometimes a 4th with PBS, only havng a.m. radio in the car and I was my dad's remote control!

Cripes, I remember once a month we would get to eat the TV Dinners in the tin foil trays that took 1 day to make in the oven and it was a treat.

Oh the good ol' days!

My phone number, when I was a kid, was KEystone 5-2689...and we had an old bakelite rotary phone (black) with a metal dial and a cloth covered cord in Dad's office (that he still has somewhere..and it still works)...the phone on the wall in the kitchen was newer (not by much) was also black, but it had a clear plastic rotary dial

The Helm's Bakery truck used to come through the neighborhood in the morning, loaded down with all kinds of fresh baked items and I remember Dad replacing the old Quasar B&W Tv (that used to make a shrinking dot on the screen when you turned it off) with a Sylvania Color Console Tv (had a record player AM/FM radio in the top of the cabinet) and all my friends would come over to watch it, including the moon landings!

How about the air tubes in the department stores that shuttled transactions between the cashiers and the store's office?
"The Shadow knows....The Shadow always knows!"

Man....loved listening to that on the radio as a kid! Our radio had a turntable and 8-track on it....and, since it was a newer model when my folks bought it, it also had an audio-cassette player installed just in back of the turntable.
Summer off,Mom kicking you out of the house!!ligthing bugs,tree forts,underground forts,snakes,blueberries,blackberries,honeysuckles and those three channels and that fading dot .Boy those memories are not as faraway as I thought and alot more as I sit here and think.You guys remember that movie were the boys are hunting for a dead kid along the tracks??The way they hung out,clothes and demeanor reminds me alot of my youth.And Camille makes a big part.
The iceman cometh, and my grandmother coloring butter. Candy dots on a paper roll. A '52 Chevy with chrome spotlights. Flathead V8 hot rods. Those first TV dinners were friggin awful. "What evil lurks in the hearts of men"? I studied for a job that Doesn't exist any more!!!! Remeber wearing Tan shoes with pink shoelaces? Howabout Levis, a white T shirt and black dress boots?!

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