What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Yeah, the local Blockbusters was always out, and we canceled our online account before that got to the top of my list. Had to wait until TCM played it!!! Audio was horrible, could hardly hear what his mother said...I think the only lines of hers that I heard were when she was shouting into the phone at the end!
That's surprising for TCM, they normally do a good job with the films they show.


Yeah, I was surprised, too. Could be my DVR is angry with me for the dozen full-length movies I told it to record....

Rented several movies tonight, watched "Legion". Not too bad, but its no "Constantine". Got some kinda messed up theology in there.
Darby's Rangers (1958)

Wife was in bed, felt like the time to watch a good ole classic (which happened to be resting comfortably on my DVR after last weekend!). Discovered I'd seen the end of this one years ago, nice to finally know the name and get to watch the whole thing!

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