What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (3 Viewers)

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Nothing but cr*p it seems on the picture box today....Dollar trilogy, Lord of The Rings, Kellys Heroes or something from my WWII DVD box set.....hmmmm..

Twelve O' Clock High
The Longest Day
The Great Escape
Von Ryan's Express
The Sand Pebbles
Battle Of Britain
Tora! Tora! Tora!
A Bridge Too Far

Did a double-header at the theater with my wife today. Saw "The Last Airbender" (not too bad) and "Twilight: Eclipse". Still have a headache from the last one, and am certain I developed at least two cavities from the sickeningly sappy sweetness.
"Godfather II"
"Godfather III"

Nothing on TV this week so the backwoods movie channel has been playing these movies around the clock. The first 2 are great and the 3rd just cleans everything up - though I would rather not see that face Pacino makes when his daughter is killed. Can anybody say "Over the top"?

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