What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Just watched an excellent B&W about a Marine machine-gunner on Guadalcanal who's blinded by a Japanese grenade, his recovery and eventual coming to terms with his blindness. But I'm so frikkin tired I can't remember the name of the movie! :evil:
I believe it is "Pride of the Marines", about Al Schmid.

Me and my sister watched it a couple of weeks ago, and the funny thing is that I told her that there was this one guy in Guadalcanal who was blinded by a grenade, but kept on his .30 cal and continued on firing while the assistant gunner told him where to move the gun. And it turned out that the movie was about him! Wow!

Last watched Ivan Rodriguez kill the New York Mets with his liner down the right field line. Damn.
Inglorious Basterds

Lt Raine: "When we're inside enemy territory, as a bushwhackin' guerilla army, we're gonna be doin' one thing, and one thing only: Killing Nazis."

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