What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Heh....that movie was playing just before I got wheeled out to have my tonsils removed as a kid...I still think that was the most hilarious movie ever filmed, mostly due to the fact that the drugs were starting to kick in.
and your choice for best Bond?

I've been on a "Last Man Standing against Zombies" binge -

Is it wrong to say I like them all in their own way. I like the special effects in the new ones although the plots of the old ones are better. Don't think I really could pick one, as I already posted in your Bond thread my top 5 which is probably as narrow as I can go with regards to the films.
No problem, no worries. I was just a little bored (no ETO thread and can't wait for the BoB thread to start!) and wanted to do something for fun. I agree about the zombie pics - I just don't gratutious blood and guts - if its kept to the plotline, great!

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