What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Need help, whats name of the movie staring Benny Hill, they are flying WW1 planes i think.
the difference between us being i had the presence of mind to record it and lay in bed watching it this morning, as opposed to getting tired by staying up 'til midnight last night
The difference being im actually not tired at all. I was gonna go to sleep after watching Ultimate Force but I couldnt, so I watched the rest of American Beauty. Still couldnt sleep
ozumn said:
Need help, whats name of the movie staring Benny Hill, they are flying WW1 planes i think.

Is it, "Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines"?

Wildcat, I've never heard of Brotherhood of War. Where and when was it made? Maybe I'll try to look for it.

I like your signature, Pisis. Sort of looks like something from Battle of Britain but it's been a long time since I've seen that one so I'm probably wrong (which I always am).
Brotherhood Of War is a Korean movie so you'll have to read subtitles, but if that doesn't bother you it's a pretty damn good movie about two brothers who fight in the Korean war. Be warned it's very violent and realistic - puts Saving Private Ryan to shame!

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