What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (2 Viewers)

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It would definitely help out with this storyline, but if you are or were a Marvel comic fan and know the basic history of these characters, you should be fine with just seeing the Avengers on its own. It's a great movie, and I plan to see it again. Ditto Bill! I was pleasantly surprised at the Hulks involvement and position in this movie. Made him a viable part of the action!
Rented Underworld: Awakening (2012) - IMDb and watched it last night, still a really good series (made all the more better by utilizing Kate Beckinsale in tight leather!). Left the door wiiiiiide open for an ongoing series.

Also picked up an Australian movie, Tomorrow, When the War Began (2010) - IMDb, which is based on a series of books by John Mardson (never read any of em, myself). Good movie, you can tell the author saw (and liked) Red Dawn (1984) - IMDb as a kid. Its pretty much the same story, in Australia, without the Wolverines.

(on a side note....apparently the lack-of-creativity crowd in Bollockswood has come up with another lack of creativity, and have remade IMDb - Red Dawn (2012). Its coming out in November, and instead of Russian-backed Cuban troops, we're invaded by North Korea. All I gots to say is....they'd BETTER not screw up this remake and overload it with CGI and a cheese-grater plot (full of holes). Respect the classics!!!
Just foolin' around on the PC this lazy morning with the TV on in the background and........"Easy Rider" is on, to be followed by "The Last Detail". Nice way to start the day!
War Horse. Truthfully....not that impressed and quite a bit bored considering the hype, but the missus liked it and my daughter was in tears...three times. Does that mean I'm a callous hard bastid ?
Had some photo cancellations today, so the wife and I (since we had already dropped off the kiddo) decided to take a rare movie day for ourselves. Caught a double-header:

First up was The Avengers (2012) - IMDb. AWE-FRIKKIN-SOME! And stick around for the credits...the sequel is gonna ROCK!!!

After a break for lunch, we caught The Hunger Games (2012) - IMDb, which was surprisingly good, although with a fairly predictable end (kinda like the Harry Potter series, ya don't really expect too many "Usual Suspects" twists in teen-books). Still, some good acting, choreography, directing, etc. I'll catch the sequels to these, too.

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