What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (5 Viewers)

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I managed to watch a bit of that self lighting squarish box that show moving pictures last night.. (a TV, the pedant means) and while watch ing a bit of late night BBC One/News24, they had a small segment from abc News.

Anyway there was a trucker who was pulled over for honking his horn a cop car who passed the truck along on a country main road/minor interstate, the officer of which was apparently speeding or close to 70mph-ish; at least faster than the truck, drivng one handed, talking on his mobile in the wet on a greasy road. So the cop decides to pull the truck, and so the trucker switched on his video recording function on his smart(er) phone said that he was recording the events to the officer once the the cop opened the cab door - note without a gun in his hand - he was primarily armed with a small folder/file-o-fax of paperwork.

The trucker wasn't impressed when the cop/trooper/sherrif was going to write him a ticket for using his horn at an officer in a provokative way, so the (youngish) trucker told the officer what he had seen him do and that he considered it dangerous, certainly when the trucker estimated the cop was doing at least 70mph in he wet while on his phone, to which the officer he said that the use of a horn at an officer was dangerous and uncalled for, and that how did the trucker know he was speeding, how can he judge speed, certainly when he doesn't even have a radar. (sounds like a small kids defence)

The officer took the drivers license, and disapeared into his town car.

Whence the officer returned, he was acting much more friendly and less high horsed, and deferred the ticket as the trucker, who had only had one broken light once in the last 6 months to one year. While bidding the trucker a bye bye, the trucker apologised to the officer while saying that under the road conditions and his situation, the the officer is should be just as accountable to the law as the other road users are to him ('..the law' ;not in a Stallone 'Dread' voice, or the cop might have turned on him).
Both drivers of the truck and the single man/officer patrol car carried on about there respective drives.
Apparently the cops own department 'are looking in to it' - really, methinks they are face palming the guy and deciding on some jestful forfeit to 'the lads' he must provide/procure etc.

So if you know your law rights, you know your in the right, and you have a video phone, and the cop/officer/trooper isn't looking peeved off and openly holding his firearm, switch on your camera (if not audio record), and While Remaining Calm, Civil And Polite, inform them of their violation(s).

And now for something aero related
Commander Harald Bauer (LW, US-A US-N Ret.)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmJqjx9VVKM
only viewable on the main youtube page... click the link
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