What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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Just watched a program on TuffTv that covered the history of the U.S. aircraft carriers.

I didn't catch the title, but it had some incredible color footage from WWII I hadn't seen before and overall, was really great to watch. It was obviously done in the early 70's because not only were there interviews done by young looking retired admirals and veterans, but final segment covering modern Carrier ops showed Phantoms, Intruders and such, which kind of gave it away. :lol:
Lost Nuke....

On 14 February 1950, a Convair B-36B, serial number 44-92075 assigned to the 7th Bomb Wing at Carswell Air Force Base, crashed in northern British Columbia after jettisoning a Mark 4 nuclear bomb. This was the first such nuclear weapon loss in history. The B-36 had been en route from Eielson Air Force Base near Fairbanks, Alaska to Carswell AFB in Fort Worth, Texas, on a mission that included a simulated nuclear attack on San Francisco.
After hearing soooo much about the movie, I finally found "The Big Lebowski" in the bargain bin at my local junk hole. So finally watched it.

I love the Coen Brothers but I don't see what all the fuss is about. Its not a bad movie (actually like "Punch-Drunk Love" better - very similar) but not a real good example of the Brothers movie efforts. "Blood Simple", "Millers Crossing", "Raising Arizona", "Fargo" and their masterpiece "No Country For Old Men" are all far better than this which confuses me as to why this has such a cult following.

Oh well.........................

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