What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Making it through season 4 of Game Of Thrones thanks to HBO on demand. Just made it thru the episode where Joffrey get poisoned. Good riddance you little jacka$$! :)
Started to watch a Vietnam-era war movie yesterday that was about a Skyraider pilot that was shot down, captured and then escaped. (or so the info on the channel said)

The opening scenes were ridiculous, a single Skyraider being launched from an empty carrier but forms up with his flight that appears out of thin air...

Then, we see him attacking his target by dropping the rockets on his target, which is seen blowing up ahead of his crate!

Then the enemy AA opens up and he gets peppered by shrapnel, including the tip of his port wing, which immediately billows black smoke. While all of this is going on, the pilot and his cockpit keep rocking back and forth like he's on a circus pony and he's talking excitedly on the radio, saying all sorts of very military terms and such (while still rocking back and forth). And now, the wing tip bursts into flames and everyone is yelling for him to eject but he's a badass and will set it down!

Well, the flaming wingtip falls away (yes, falls down, like the rockets he just launched) and now he's in real trouble! So he (since he's the badass and all) sets it down in a rice paddy somewhat violently and the ship breaks in half, fortunately throwing him clear and he tumbles alongside the sliding fuselage. At some point, between impact and landing in the dirt, he's lost his safety harness, cockpit canopy, parachute and O2 lines AND suffers not even a single scratch (did I mention he was a badass?) and THEN jumps up like a gazelle and runs off into the rice paddy to evade capture...

By now, I have the remote in my hand.

So our hero is running through the jungle just ahead of pursuing NVA...err...Vietcong...well, actually, heavily armed locals who are wearing t-shirts and black bandannas and he stops to bury his transponder under a bush before running deeper into the jungle...

Remote control activated.

I am now enjoying a cooking show where Lidia is preparing stuffed artichokes...

* I have no idea what that crap of a war movie was, I didn't even bother to look it up. What little bit of it I suffered through shall not be remembered *
lol Hugh, it was certainly horrible enough to bail out before it really got started.

Perhaps the plot was better than the props, I don't know. I could overlook the fact that the pilot was wearing a 1970's helo pilot's helmet (this was supposedly set in the mid 60's) and the fact that the wreckage of his Skyraider in the rice paddy looked to be from a T-6 or a P-47...

Anyway, if anyone is interested, this was the movie (yeah, I went back and looked it up)
Rescue Dawn (2006) - IMDb

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