What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Guardians of the Galaxy;
Liked it, actually apart from the intro that made me think I was in the wrong screen, it was funnier and more human than you'd think. Although parts of the plot felt like they'd only pulled them out of nowhere to tie together at the end, the comedy and small talk in it did have times spent on them.

Mighty Jingles, World of Tanks - Ze Germans Are Coming!
The clip he post of Bikar's 1 vs 12 in the ST1... serious luck, skill and a luckily feeble enemy team..
"Toward the Unknown" 1956 William Holden as a test pilot.The movie brought back memories of the childhood as an Air Force brat and how when we were younger the pride we had in the Armed Forces when patriotism of America was strong and morals high.:confused: as to what happened to God and Country.
"Toward the Unknown" 1956 William Holden as a test pilot.The movie brought back memories of the childhood as an Air Force brat and how when we were younger the pride we had in the Armed Forces when patriotism of America was strong and morals high.:confused: as to what happened to God and Country.
I watched it on TCM earlier this week. Great Air Force eye candy with just about every aircraft in the inventory on view somewhere in the background. Had the usual soap opera elements for the ladies. Not bad.
"Toward the Unknown" 1956 William Holden as a test pilot.The movie brought back memories of the childhood as an Air Force brat and how when we were younger the pride we had in the Armed Forces when patriotism of America was strong and morals high.:confused: as to what happened to God and Country.

I need to check that out - Cold War jets are my favourite planes, and the mid to late 50's probably my favourite period of aviation.
Everything seemed possible and no idea was too crazy to try...
Toward the Unknown was a great movie and had alot of huge names in Hollywood in the cast. Also had some great vintage shots of Edwards AFB (and aircraft)!

That movie and the movie "Stragic Air Command" are my two biggest favorites from that era. Plus, Strategic Air Command has B-36s and any movie that has a B-36s in it is a winner...
Toward the Unknown was a great movie and had alot of huge names in Hollywood in the cast. Also had some great vintage shots of Edwards AFB (and aircraft)!

That movie and the movie "Stragic Air Command" are my two biggest favorites from that era. Plus, Strategic Air Command has B-36s and any movie that has a B-36s in it is a winner...

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