What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Was flipping through the channels this morning and came across a war movie. It showed, what I assumed to be U.S. soldiers in Vietnam (haircuts, using plastic spoons, their uniforms, they way they talked and the M41 Walker tanks) and then, a Japanese soldier jumps out and the ketchup starts flowing!

What a crap of a movie. It looks almost like a made-for-TV movie...perhaps done by the producers of the last season of M*A*S*H or a maybe they didn't have enough of a budget. Periodically, this soldier has a flash back of his "girl", but it looks more like a "flash-forward", since she looks like she's straight out of the mid-sixties.

There is just so much wrong in this movie besides mentioned above: Moonie aircraft supposed to be Japanese fighters, bayonettes on M1 .30 carbines, excessive usage of old stock footage from military archives?

And I could go on, but I won't...right now, I have to change the channel.

Red Beach (1967) - IMDb
They've had some vintage TV shows for kids on a local channel lately, like Black Beauty, Flipper, Rin Tin Tin and Lassie.

Well, there's also a show I have never heard of, most likely because it's from Australia:
Skippy the Bush Kangaroo.

Kind of cool, actually.

Skippy's an icon down here! Check out the "fast forward" parodies on youtube for a bit of a laugh.

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