What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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They were Expendable
Robert Montgomery, John Wayne, and Donna Reed.
One of my favorite WWII movies. Being shot in Florida in 1945 (right after the war) it really (for me) has a mystique about it on several levels.

Watched episodes 3, 4 and 5 of the Fallout series. Meh. Visually they got the post apocalypse down to a tee, the plotlines however (except for Vault 31) are rather lame and with the exception of the younger brother trying to unwrap what happened to his mother vis a vis Vault 31, none of the characters is very likeable or even relatable. Just my two cents worth though, YMMV. Like I said, the budget must be pretty high and they have the look down 100%, that part is impressive.

Of course my opinion might be a bit jaded, I can't tell you how many (thousands?) of hours I've played the Fallout series from the original through New Vegas and the Commonwealth.

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