What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw?

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Spike Lee's work right. Never liked him, espeically after the fight he caused wiht Clint Eastwood.

Yep. I thought I'd rent it, see what it was like...just to give him and the guys from the 92nd Infantry the benefit of the doubt. I still respect the 92nd and all they went through, but I will never rent anything that has anything remotely to do with Spike Lee. Ever.
That's one of the problems I've run across with anything related to black servicemen (Army, Navy, Air Corps) during WW2. Books, movies, etc, they all seem to focus more on the "oh, we were so oppressed" that its hard to get their actual stories. They all want to portray their leaders as redneck racists (granted, there were probably quite a few), but other books I've read from white authors talk very highly of the black troops they came in contact with, whether they were combat or service troops. So I get the impression that the troops themselves were fairly non-biased, whereas the authors/movie directors are still trying to push the whole "we were segregated!" theme.
Jeez, that's a shame. I wonder if the movie "Days of Glory" is like that, the war movie about French North African soldiers during World War Two. I've wanted to see it, but I've heard that they do not talk about the atrocities that they committed in Italy, during Monte Cassino. Not that I don't support them for helping to fight Germany, but I'm not crazy about portraying all of the good stuff that people did in movies without talking about anything negative. Hope this makes sense.
Yep. "War is Hell." Trying to gloss over and glamorize it only serves to encourage future generations to start more. War will always be with us...there will always be die-hards who think that violence is the best/only answer...but if more people realized how horrific it is, maybe we'd be more inclined to find alternative methods.

I've looked at that movie several times at Blockbusters, but haven't rented it yet. Anyone seen it? For that matter, did anyone see the recent "Valkyrie" or "Defiance"?
"Australia". Excellent movie! Takes place in the months leading up to the attack on Darwin, so there's not alot about WW2, but still an awesome movie!

Next question may contain spoiler:

One little questionable point, though....the Japanese didn't actually land troops on Mission Island, did they? And if they did....why just a 10-man Recon patrol?

Nah mate...didn't happen in reality....
Rabid, took my son to see "Defiance" and its not a bad movie. Kinda reminded me of the war movies from the '50s. Patriotic, the horrors, etc. But I have to give them some kudos for getting equipment right. Theres a Pkw IIII that stunned me.

Since I was ordered to switch to digital, a few of my local channels have extra channels now to play with. One has started showing a station called "This" which shows nothing but movies (except for "Mr. Ed" and "The Patty Duke Show" in the morning) and the last 24 hours have been great! This is a list of what they showed since yesterday....

"The Battle of Britain"
"Force 10 From Navarone"
"The Mackenzie Break"
"633 Squadron"
"Mosquito Squadron" (or was it 633 Sqdrn?)
"The Train"

I loved it!

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