What Is The Last Movie/Show You Saw? (1 Viewer)

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"Cloverfield" was your typical monster-eats-NewYork flick, sorta horror-meets-SciFi....the thing I really liked about it was the ending. Gets boring when the hero/heroine always manage to miraculously survive and walk/ride/fly off into the sunsets to live happily ever after in a world where it rains jellybeans and butterflies poop rainbows. Its not one I would buy, but it was a refreshing ending. Coulda done without the flashback video clips, but otherwise okay.
Not in the movie, no. I did find that to be pretty poorly done. In the director's commentaries, as the were describing creating the monster, its supposed to be something that lives at the bottom of the deepest parts of the ocean, and was washed up/lost and ended up in the harbor. Its a baby of its kind (kinda hard to imagine that we'd miss seeing an adult!), scared/lost/lonely/confused, and freaks out when it hits that cargo ship, thus going postal and eating New York. Woulda been nice to have a news-clip in there somewhere explaining that...
Sounds good mate

"Death Sentence" anyone seen it?

Normal guy , 2 sons ,wife big house.A violent gang robery results in one of his sons being killed .He tracks down and kills the guy who killed his son ,then the gang take revenge and go after this guys family and him . Having killed his wife and possibly his other son and thinking he was dead .He escapes from hospital and goes and buys a double barrel shot gun........:D Goes and tears these "Gangsters" lives apart :D

One sweet movie! with some awesome scenes plus great music .Highly recommended
Kill Rommel on Movies 4 Men....:lol:

If you ask me gentlemen, most of the stuff that this channel show is cr*p, mince and rubbish, movies that went from filming directly to video or DVD....
Sometimes, they hit a home run and show something decent. :lol:

Question, do we men really have such a cr*p taste in films?? :lol:
The Wrestler.... maybe you old yellers would like it but the ending was poor, It was understandable and made logical sense but there couldve been so much more!

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