What made me sad today... (3 Viewers)

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These happened a few years ago, but the hurt and pain come back when I think of them. A very close friend of mine developed mouth cancer and died a terrible death. He was only 54 and was truly a kind and caring soul, and understood me and my foibles and accepted and loved me. A few months later, his two older brothers, both whom I knew, one as a friend and the other as more than just an acquaintance, had a falling out over the first brother's estate. It escalated to where one shot the other, set the barn they were in on fire, then shot himself. All this while their elderly mother was in the house not far away. Truly a horrible end to a family that once was very close. There was also a sister who died young (62) a year later, leaving the mother, a widow since 2009, all alone.
Life just sucks sometimes. A constant cycle of highs and lows. Been fighting a lot with the wife. The closer to her retirement to worse it gets. She can retire now at 1/2 pay but plans on at lease two more years. It will be like having a working dog with you job. She will be chewing on everything.

So last night my 86 or so father fell down. My nephew had to call EMS to get him up. Then he could not get out of bed. The PA is bringing a x-ray machine to see what happened to his knee. He will not walk because he may fall down. No walking means loss of muscles and greater chance of falling. So now he cannot get in and out of the wheelchair. We lost his older brother last year and his younger brother about 10 years ago. He is the last man standing on our side of the family tree. With no kids myself, I will soon be it with my two sisters.

Ok time to suck it up and get going again. We are not done yet. My father beat cancer 22 years ago. This one is easy.
I blame Climate Change.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gvNvcCQs-Fk
A friend of mine, a medical doctor who I have known for over 25 years, landed his Navion gear up on Monday. He had put so much into that airplane, fighting problems with airframe corrosion as well as an engine that only lasted 50 hours. Now, he has a lot more work to do.
Got a terrible medical diagnosis yesterday. I'd been expecting bad news, because things just weren't right, and it would be just my luck that it would turn out to be something bad. But some dumb part of me deep down was hoping it would be something treatable and could be managed. It's not.


Now I've got to spread the bad news to my family and friends.
O my. Oh my. Words are foolish now.
I am however deeply shocked.
prayers for ya 33k

Thank you.

O my. Oh my. Words are foolish now.
I am however deeply shocked.

I'm just a small fish around here compared to some of the long-timers, and I'm not sure about the internet social etiquette and perhaps I've shared too much, but then, if I've said this much I might as well go the rest of the way.

For those wondering, the diagnosis was for ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease). The neurologist told me that with such a diagnosis it was standard protocol to be referred to specialists for a second opinion and to confirm the diagnosis. So now I'm waiting to be contacted by the ALS clinic at the hospital in the city to arrange an appointment at which I will presumably undergo a new battery of neurological tests and have an MRI.

From what I've read, ALS is rare, with an occurrence rate of about 2 per 100,000 population. So I finally won the lottery — only it was the wrong kind of lottery.

Life finds a way to throw curveballs, doesn't it?

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